Sunday, April 21, 2013

Countdown to Forty and Five for Friday

Yeah, I wish I meant years old...I'm past that!  I am dying for just forty followers, for a Fab Forty Freebie!  Tell your friends.  Tell your co-workers.  Tell your neighbors!  I just need three more followers to feel the love.

I'm also linking up for one of my favorite little parties...
1.  This week, my class and I went out into the field to study a few habitats around our school.  We're so lucky to have a nature trail on campus, that also has a creek running through it.  We have an enclosed courtyard with a pond, trees, flowers, tons of turtles and snails, and fantastic opportunities for learning!

2.  I had some students bring in some friends for us to study...first came the tadpoles in several different stages of development.  I was super-excited to see some tiny ones, some larger, some with back legs, some with all four, froglets with little tails, and one guy (on the green glass bead) who is so close to losing his tail, I'll bet it's gone Monday!

Next came this tiny hatchling painted turtle.  A former student's mom found it near her home, and knew I had an adult as a class pet.  So, she sent in this baby for us to see.  It is no bigger than a quarter, y'all, and my "mama" one's shell is about six inches long!  After calling PetSmart, and the local wildlife rehabilitation and conservation group, and having the baby checked out by an expert, it was decided that I get to keep it until it's ready to be released into its natural habitat.  YEAH!!!

3.  On the way into school Friday, my daughters spotted this lovely guy, and I knew I had to catch him to show him off, too.  I ran in, grabbed an insect container, took a VERY deep breath (I hate spiders), and clapped the container against the wall, slid it toward the awaiting lid, and finally breathed again when I had the lid on tight!  He's a wolf spider, and he got released right after school...eeewww!  Next week, we will send home our insect project assignment, though, and I knew this guy was the perfect example of what NOT to know eight legs vs. six, and all!  In case you missed that, you can grab it here - it's a FREEBIE!

Back to the courtyard...Last year, I found and rescued this HUGE red eared slider turtle, relocating him to our safe little courtyard, where he has plenty of shade, light, friends, water, and food.  I doubt he even knows he moved, but he was in the middle of the street in my neighborhood, and it was getting dark, so i had to save him!  My kiddos love getting the chance to spot him, which is rare, but they did on Friday!

Over by the creek, we found lots of interesting worms, insects, plants, a squirrel in his nest, and a robin.  Too FUN!

4.  I finished the first part of my huge animal unit just in time to dig in to the habitats.  It's full of graphic organizers, field journal pages, and questions for really getting kids thinking about the importance of maintaining our natural habitats, how animals and plants are interdependent, and how habitats support the living things within.
5.  Finally, I have been watching Megan's video tutorials at 
and I learned how to make and post a button for you to grab, a "follow me on Pinterest button", update my blog header, add google+1 and follow me on google links, and basically improve my overall design.  I am  "super-empowered" by Megan, and can't wait to learn more from her!  She's amazing.  In case you don't know Megan, or her blogs, click on her button, above to head over.  She's hosting a 700 follower giveaway right now, too!

Have a great week, y'all!  I'm headed on a field trip to Charleston with my fifth grader, leaving the house at 4:30 a.m., so I'm off to bed!
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  1. So nice to see another 2nd grade blogger!!! :) I am your newest follower!

    Sailing into Second


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