Really? March? It's still way too cold for March. I usually have a tan by now. It's my birthday month, and it feels like freakin' December! Okay, fine. I'm linking up with Farley for March's Currently, even though I really am not so sure it is March.
Yep, I many be Katy's oldest fan (and yes, I just realized I spelled her name wrong, and no, I'm not going to make a new pdf to fix it), but I'm going to see her in Hotlanta in June, and I CAN. NOT. WAIT! I was so stressed about getting tickets the day the went on sale - 10:00, on a Monday? How is a teacher supposed to make that happen? Well, somehow my teacher sister-in-law did, and we're off!
Megan's design for my dream blog - she's super patient, so talented, and really supportive! Worth every single penny, and more!
It's almost 11:00 on a school night...need I say more?
to be warm - can I get an Amen? I know some of you are still snowed in, for like the 99th snow day in a row, but Carolina Girls are not meant to be cold in March! We're supposed to be bronze beauties by now.
a fairy godmother to come finish the details...I have unpacked, and unpacked, and decorated, and unpacked, and searched for stuff, and unpacked, and decorated some more, and unpacked...well, you get the idea. At least the living room is finally coming together, and I found the panini maker tonight!
What are your favorite furry animal, insect, and nocturnal creatures????? I've wanted a bunny since I was a little girl - never had one. I love me some bumblebee classroom decor, but hate bees! And, of course, I love an owl - wise, cute, back in style, balanced on a wire!
So, about that can of worms...I just posted my newest product on TPT, and it's super cute! Check it out
here, and let me know what you think.