Friday, August 9, 2013

How to Spring Into Springpad and a Freebie Tagxedo

How FUN!!!  Jen over at Sparkling in Second just taught me, and I'm sure a few hundred other people how to use Tagxedo.  I had to get right on their site and play with it.  I made this cute Back-to-School apple, just by following her wonderful tutorial.
You are perfectly welcome to grab a copy by right clicking mine!  I thought I might add it to a square of scrapbook paper as a tag for an apple for the parents who come to Meet the Teacher Night next week.
Obviously, I'm back from Vegas - none the richer, none the poorer.  My husband won a bit of moolah; however, I managed to spend it on some new kicks for school, jewelry, gifts for my girlies and mom, and some poolside refreshments (I HATE gambling, but I love me some shopping)!

These are my first UGG's...I know, hard to believe, right?  The sales guy called me Pocahontas, but only after my husband asked where my bow and arrow were!  Don't Care...Love them!

Anyway, I think I promised to try to show y'all how to use my new fave toy, Springpad, so here goes. Now, keep in mind, I've never made a tutorial before, so I'm doin' my best here.  Generally, I learn just by playing around with something until I get it right.  Springpad is easy enough for anyone to do just that, but I'll give you the bare bones:

First, let's get you signed up.  Just click the logo below.

That's really all there is to it.  Get in there and play.  When you add a new notebook, Springpad will prompt you for a cover, binding, and photo options.  You'll need to install the Springpad Clipper button in your toolbar.  Then, you're off...clip recipes, photos, even entire websites to save into your notebooks.  You can also make to-do lists, follow other users, find movies, books, music, and more.  Add them to your notebooks, and build a whole new social media following!

Be looking for BIG things next week, too!

Until then, Hugs!  I gotta get my room ready for Tuesday!
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Ooops!  I almost forgot to tell you, I have at least three new, fun B2S treats in my TPT shop!  Head over to check them out, and don't forget to check in on my Facebook page for a new Fan Freebie!


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