Thursday, January 30, 2014


Really? Y'all know the stories: the south shuts down from even the threat of snow. Everyone rushes the grocery stores, buying up all the milk and bread, shelves emptied in mere minutes! That was Tuesday. Half an inch of snow and two days later, we're still out of school, and going in late tomorrow. {CRAZY!}

While we've been "stranded" (not at all), I've made more cups of hot chocolate than I can count, watched my girls try to sled down a grassy, barely snowy hill (they had a blast), and tried like crazy to figure out how to combine the 100th Day of School and Chinese New Year in one school day, with a two-hour delay. I've had a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound, while praying and thanking God for the all clear report. I've arranged and re-arranged flowers for my mom, taught her to make a deco-mesh heart wreath, and cooked, cleaned, and washed clothes. I've arranged furniture, on paper, in our new little rental house, visited the Goodwill and Miracle Hill looking for bathroom storage, and almost convinced my sixth grader that "old lady wisteria wallpaper" will be beautiful in her new room. (It's only a year, dear!)

I have had time to be a wife, mom and woman, and I have loved it!

I've also started working on a new unit about telling time, using a strategy one of my second graders taught me! I'm excited to finish it soon, and share it with you. Here's a sneak peek:

Wha? You'll have to wait to see what that whole yard mess is about, but trust me, I showed it to my third grader, and she caught on immediately!

It's been so long since I've posted that I have way more than Five for a Friday, but I'll show you a few tonight and link up officially tomorrow.

My 2013 Secret Resolution: fit in Miss Me jeans (done)!

Ran right into the car in front of mine, and rode in a Police Cruiser
to a corner market to stay warm. Haven't seen my car since!

Learned to use Solo cups to make jewelry!

Realized I LOVE clear Solo cup jewelry, and
realized it would make a great physical
changes in matter activity!

Submitted my very first Donors Choose Project Request! I can't wait to hear if it's approved for potential funding...I'll keep you posted.


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I love to hear from you! Send me your comments, but be sure you're not a "no reply" sender, so I can write you back!