Sunday, May 12, 2013

Five for Friday on Mothers' Day???

You know, I really love Doodle Bugs Teaching's Five for Friday, but I can never get it together to post by Friday!  I've decided better late than never, right?
We've been in full swing studying animals for the past few weeks, and it's been like Wild Kingdom in my classroom.  These tiny fellas showed up - painted lady butterfly larvae:The kids have been watching them grow, change, make the "famous J shape", form their chrysalis, and I'm hoping for adults next week!

Another tiny friend grew into an adult...he was no bigger than my thumbnail, and I'm not kidding!  We had to let him and his friends go home to their pond, which, of course is their natural habitat.

We also had a temporary visit from some rescued baby groundhogs.

1. That brings me to show you a new unit I made for life cycles:
It's available at my store on Teachers Pay Teachers, or you can just click and go on the picture.

2.  Here we are observing mini-ecosystems inside hula hoops.
Click on this photo to see the activity at my store.

I was TOTALLY inspired at Sunday School last week, where I saw these, and many, many more animals...having a field trip to our state's largest zoo Tuesday, I can't wait to make these to go with our study on animal classification and characteristics!


4.  I touched and fed a giraffe!!!  My favorite animal, ever, is the giraffe, and this guy was super-friendly, not at all shy, and A-MAZ-ING!  Then I saw a kangaroo, up closer than I ever have before...If you're studying animals, try out my Animal Mega Pack.  It includes all the activities above, and many more.
 5.  Finally, my students and I hand-painted these "grow kits" for Mothers' Day.  We also made the cutest poems on paper flower pots with paper flowers, but it was SO close to the end of the day, that I couldn't get a photo before the bell!

Before I go, I have to tell you about a fantastic give-away at Tori's Teacher Tips.  Click on her graphic to go enter...

Happy Mothers' Day!
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  1. Hi!
    I'm visiting from Five for Friday! I can never get it together either to make it there by Friday...oh well!! Your life cycle pack looks super cute.
    A Burst of First

    1. Hey, Deidre! Thanks for visiting - I'll have to check out your blog, it's new to me, so I'll probably be joining right up!

  2. Giraffes are my favorite too! We try to go to the Dallas zoo a couple of times a year because I get to hug their necks like that! Your room looks like mine - full of life and life cycles. I need to go check out your new unit!

    1. LOVE the giraffe - one of my little ones even bought me a teeny-tiny one from the gift shop! He's always surprising me like that, because he's not my best behaved, but is probably my biggest hearted kiddo.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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